We are looking back at a successful first entire calendar year since the inception of the CharMLab. With a record growth in research students engaged in research with us, we have been able to publish 12 papers at leading computer science conferences (A* category), and communicated various recent research activities at conference workshops, as well as through journal papers and preprints.
International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN; CORE Rank A) is a prominent conference in the field of artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, and neural networks. Dr. Zhang is co-chairing the special session of Artificial Intelligence for Neural Engineering: Innovations, Applications and Future Directions. Manuscript submissions by Jan. 15th, 2025 are highly welcomed.
Authored by Yihe Wang, Nan Huang, Taida Li, Yujun Yan, and Xiang Zhang. The paper is available at https://neurips.cc/virtual/2024/poster/93940.
Dr. Jake Lee has been selected to serve as a judge for the 2024 Congressional App Challenge. The Congressional App Challenge is a public effort to encourage kids to learn how to code, through annual district-wide competitions hosted by Members of Congress for their district. Students in participating districts code original applications for the chance to be selected for recognition by their Member of Congress, win prizes, and have their work put on display in the Capitol Building in Washington, DC.
Dr. Lee presented his work on "Balancing Privacy and Trust in Example-based Learning" at the Center for TAIMing AI's seminar series at UNC Charlotte. See more details here.
Are you an undergraduate student interested in gaining hands-on experience in machine learning research? The Office of Undergraduate Research (OUR) project opportunities are here for you for Spring 2025! Join our CharMLab and work alongside leading researchers on cutting-edge projects that explore the latest advancements in artificial intelligence.
The 38th Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2024), a premier annual gathering that draws together researchers and practitioners in machine learning, computational neuroscience, and related fields, will take place from December 10-15, 2024 at the Vancouver Convention Centre in Vancouver, Canada. Shedding light on new optimization methods, more efficient vision algorithms and new architectures for time series analysis, CharMLab researchers will present exciting new findings of our lab with three papers presented during the poster presentations.
CharMLab research will be presented at the 32nd ACM International Conference on Multimedia (ACM MM 2024), a leading conference on advancements in multimedia computing, systems, and applications which takes place in Melbourne, Australia, from October 28 to November 1, 2024.
Congratulations to Oscar and Dr. Bunescu to the Best Paper Award for their paper An Expectation-Realization Model for Metaphor Detection at the Fourth Workshop on Figurative Language Processing at NAACL 2024, the 2024 Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics!
Dr. Lee was invited to give a talk on AI Literacy at the STEAM 101 for Teens program, organized by the Charlotte Mecklenburg Library on June 5th, 2024. Dr. Lee discussed the importance of AI literacy and its impact on society, and shared his insights on how to engage with AI technologies responsibly.
Congratulations to Dr. Srijan Das and his fellow students Dominick Reilly and Rajatsubhra Chakraborty!
This paper explains how to utilize large-scale pre-trained vision language models (CLIP) for long-term action detection in videos.
This paper shows that jointly optimizing Vision Transformers for the primary task and a Self-Supervised Auxiliary Task is surprisingly beneficial when the amount of training data is limited.
Dominick Reilly is awarded The Chateaubriand Fellowship and will be interning at Inria Sophia Antipolis, France.
Dr. Jake Lee has been appointed as Program Chair and Workshop/Tutorial Chair for the IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (IEEE SSCI) 2023. The IEEE SSCI 2023 will be held in Mexico City, Mexico from December 5th to 8th, 2023. The IEEE SSCI is a flagship annual international conference on computational intelligence sponsored by the IEEE Computational Intelligence Society, promoting all aspects of theory, algorithm design, applications and related emerging techniques.
🎃 Happy Halloween! We hosted a Trick or Research event at CharMLab. A spooky afternoon of research and fun, and with treats! 🎃
The BMI workshop is a 4-day conference focusing on research in brain signal analysis and Human-Machine Interface. Dr. Zhang gave an invited talk entitled 'Self-Supervised Contrastive Learning For EEG-Based Neurological Disorder Detection' on Oct. 1st 2023.
Congratulations to Drs. Kümmerle and Zhang, along with the first authored students Yihe Wang and Yu Han!
CHARLOTTE, NC - The University of North Carolina at Charlotte has announced the formation of a cutting-edge Machine Learning Lab within the Department of Computer Science. This new lab, comprising six Principal Investigators (PIs) and more than a dozen PhDs, aims to be a nexus for innovation and research in the rapidly evolving field of artificial intelligence (AI).
IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications (PerCom) is a flagship conference in pervasive computing. The average acceptance rate in the last 5 years is 16.3%.